No Cash and Carry


In this day and age, we hardly find cash carriers. However, when attending certain events we are forced to do so. My opinion? Not that you asked, but I love to share. Promoters register your business. You can do this online for free in most states. Once you register on your state’s website, you will be directed to the IRS’ website to get a TAX ID. Simple as 1, 2, and 3. Once these steps are taken, you can, as a business entity, establish a Square Up account ( With a Square Up account you are able to accept plastic through your phone. Yes, your phone. That’s right Mastercard, Visa, American Express.

The benefits you ask? Convenience and safety are two of the biggest I can think of. I don’t want to have to stop at an ATM at 1 o’clock in the morning before heading to a function. Additionally, promoter’s will be able to charge tax on certain items. As a patron, I would certainly appreciate it. Think about it.

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